Sunday, February 24, 2013

Blogger Babes Collection Part 1 of 3

There are a few blogs I follow that have an inspiring affect/effect on me. I follow them daily, whether for their simplicity, or for their excess, they inspire me to do likewise and keep living each day with dramatic and creative flair. It's nice to see other like-minded individuals, even if they are across the globe. I have chosen three Bloggers to illustrate and illuminate. Ok, so all three are very popular, so they probably don't need illuminating in the bringing-to-the-fore kinda way, but I likes them, so neh!

I'm going to start with Simplicity.

Love-Aesthetics is the ultimate in simplicity-is-key chic. She's a mad DIY'er and I love her late 90's/ Woody Allen's Sleeper aesthetic. White, grey, black & metals is her palette. In such a crazy elaborate world her sartorial candor is refreshing. Beautifully photographed and utterly motivating, her DIY projects are both astonishingly simple yet oh-so effective.

She is this blog entry's muse. She was beautiful to illustrate, albeit difficult, due to all the white on white etc. 

Name: Ivania Carpio 
Base: Netherlands

Favourite DIY's and posts:

Book storage | side table | floating denim